
Sharp IMG Viewer Help

The topic contains contact information to report problem, suggestions.

Please make sure that you are using the latest version of the Sharp IMG Viewer 2008 and that you have carefully read this help file and online documentation before sending questions.


You can find the latest information from the Internet at the Sharp IMG Viewer 2008 website.

Please send any suggestions, comments or bug reports to email address: .

If your problem is not addressed by documentation, the following information is required to provide support:

  • A full description of your problem.

  • The Sharp IMG Viewer 2008 version that you are running (Help->About).

  • The operating system version of the computer running the product.

  • .NET Framework version.

  • How the error or condition has occurred, including the sequence of actions leading up to the error condition, error messages...etc.

  • Occasionally support cases require sample files to reproduce the error condition. Please compress related material into .zip, .rar or .tar archives.

Note Note

Please remember to keep all of the conversation history when you reply to emails.